Recycled Polyester

Recyled polyester comes to us from multiple sources. The material basis of these fabrics is a yarn that is produced with recyled PET bottles. We utilize it in our activewear leggings and tops with cut/sew knit fabric made in the USA. Our waterproof woven fabrics are made through cooperation with an Italian yarn specialist whose trademark recycled yarn is certified according to the internationally renowned “Global Recycle Standard”. This yarn is made from recycled PET bottles that are collected and processed in Italy. The applied recycling process is a mechanical process without the addition of polluting chemicals. If you compare the production of 1 kg of this recycled polyester fiber with 1kg of oil-based polyester fibers, the ecological balance is impressive: 32% CO2 reduction, 60% less energy and 94% less water consumption. Instead of 60 litres, only around three litres of the limited resource are used. For the outer material of one of our jackets, approximately 27 PET bottles are recycled and thus reused.